Center for Sustainable Engineering of Geological and Infrastructure Materials
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Current Projects
3D Braided Composite Structures - Experimental Characterization and Modeling of Fracturing Behavior. 09/14-08/17. NSF. PI: Gianluca Cusatis and Zdenek Bazant

Physics-Based Framework for Computational Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Structures. 09/14-08/17. NSF. PI: Gianluca Cusatis

Microplane Constitutive Model for Carbon-Polymer Laminates and Prediction of Car Crashworthiness. 12/12-12/14. DOE via USCAR. PI: Zdenek Bazant and Gianluca Cusatis

Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures - Macroscale Analysis with Mesoscale Lattice Discrete Particle Models. 8/12-7/15, NSF. PI: Gianluca Cusatis

Microscopic Computational Simulation of Fiber-Matrix Interaction in Ultra High-Performance Cementitious Composites Under Quasi-Static and Dynamic Loadings. 8/12-8/13. USACE ERDC. PI: Gianluca Cusatis

Numerical Simulation of the Micromechanical Behavior of Fiber/Concrete Interaction. 10/12-10/14. USACE ERDC via ES3 SBIR Phase II Project. PI: Gianluca Cusatis

Investigating the Effect of Pore Fluids on the Stability of Unsaturated Geomaterials. 07/01/2012 – 06/30/2014, NSF. PI: Giuseppe Buscarnera

Soil Slips versus Flow Failures in Rain-Infiltrated Slopes: Using Principles of Mechanical Stability to Enhance Spatially Distributed Models for Landslide Forecasting. 09/01/13 - 08/31/2016, NSF. PI: Giuseppe Buscarnera

CAREER: Mechanics of Geomaterials Exposed to Multi-Physical Perturbations: Innovating Science, Training and Education through Fundamental Principles. 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2018, NSF. PI: Giuseppe Buscarnera

Energy Recovery and Fracture in Granular Rocks: Towards a New Generation of Multi-Scale Simulators, 07/01/2013 - 06/31/2014, INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND ENERGY AT NORTHWESTERN. PI: Giuseppe Buscarnera